Everyone will be familiar with these sayings: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy” (Tim Harford) , “Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face” (Mike Tyson), “By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin)….. So, is it worth having a plan or not? What’s the point if your plan is always going to change? Strategies – a plan for (almost) all eventualities Imagine this: You’re 85 miles into a 100 mile race, chasing a cut off 5 miles from the last check point, you’ve been running for 30 hrs, it’s dark, it’s raining and you’re starting to get cold. You’re GPS (planned navigation strategy for the whole race) just ran out of battery. Then without warning your head torch dies as well. This can end two ways: 1. 1. You sit down on the side of the trail and curse your bad luck. “Why did they both have to run out now?”. Sitting on the side of the trail you have a litt...